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IST Application

kentscouts_black_text_ej2020_logo Welcome to the IST Zone – this section of the website dedicated to the International Service Team (IST) who are made up of adult volunteers from all over the world and responsible for the smooth running of the Jamboree when at the event.

Our IST are key members of the Kent Contingent to EuroJam, you will work as a member of a team, and bring along your positive attitude and experience and be ready to do whatever it takes to do with whatever needs to be done in order to ensure that the Jamboree runs smoothly. As members of the Kent Contingent, IST members will also act as a crucial support network for participants and Leaders at their pre-camps and during the event.

At EuroJam, being a member of the IST is so much more than simply volunteering abroad, you will have the opportunity to make friends from all over the world, whilst making some awesome memories that will last a lifetime! Members of the IST are required to be onsite a day prior to the young people’s arrival to support the final preparations of the event. IST will also need to be there a day later to help break camp.

Kent Scouts are looking for a team of adults to support a contingent of 5 units to the European Jamboree in Poland in 2020. The IST Jamboree experience will take place on  26th July 2020 - 7th August 2020Based on its own island close to the city of Gdansk in Poland.

You can find out more information about the European Jamboree from their website  European Jamboree 2020  or email us at ej2020@kentscouts.org.uk.

Guide For Applicants

Still interested and want to know more? 

A short role description has been put together for IST and can be found here. This document explains some key information about your role. Please read the document before applying!

Who Can Apply?

Everyone, whatever their age or background, has skills, perspectives and experience that they can share with the wider leadership team. With this in mind, we welcome applications from those that think they are “Too Old” or “Too Young”. Adults in Scouting who will be 18 by the 26th of July 2020 can apply for an IST role.

The Selection Process

First, IST will need to read the Guide for Applicants document.

IST will need to fill in an online application form so we can better understand your reasons for applying and to allow you to shine. These applications will be shortlisted and then invited to a selection weekend which will take place by the end of May. Successful applicants will be informed by within two weeks.

Applications Are Open!

Up to the challenge, then click here to start your application.

Applicants who have been selected to attend the selection weekend will be informed by Email.

If you have any questions about any of the events, please don't hesitate to get in touch via ej2020@kentscouts.org.uk.

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What is the Kent Contingent?

Anyone taking part in a Kent Scouts International event is part of the Kent Contingent!